Polisin Hizmet Modeli Etkinliğinde İletişimin Rolü

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  • S. Zh. Zhanzhigitov L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

language communication, police service model, social dilemmas, conflict, communication strategies, case.


The study is devoted to the analysis of the role of language communication in the effectiveness of the police service model. Based on the premise that successful interaction between the police and the public is a key aspect of conflict resolution and ensuring social stability, this study aims to identify ways to optimize this process through improved communication strategies.
The goal of the study is to identify methods that can enhance the effectiveness of police communication with the public, improve interaction with various social groups, and use linguistic communication to solve social dilemmas.
The materials include an analysis of scientific papers on language communication in the context of policing, including research on the development of training programs to improve the linguistic and cultural competence of police officers, as well as an analysis of cases demonstrating the use of language strategies in real situations of police communication with citizens.
The findings underscored the critical role of using clear and approachable language, incorporating specific real-world examples, and prioritizing interactive dialogue to boost the impact of police communication with the public. The role of intercultural communication and the need to train police officers in the field of language communication to work in multilingual and multicultural societies were also emphasized. The scientific novelty of the research lies in an integrated approach to the study of language communication in police work and the enrichment of the theoretical base. The study offers new perspectives on the use of language strategies to improve the effectiveness of communication between the police and society and provides a basis for the development of training methods for police officers aimed at improving their cultural and linguistic competence.


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