Existential Worldview in a Nomadic Civilization

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  • А. Abdina L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • N. Sarsenbekov L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


nomadic civilization, existential motive, meaning of life, human being, morality, happiness, life, death.


The question of the meaning of life is concerning to everyone living in the modern
world in the age of pandemics. From this point of view, this article can help many people, including
young people, who are experiencing life's anxieties. A global coronavirus pandemic is a cause of
fear and even panic. The consequences of the pandemic caused by the spread of the COVID-19
virus have led to existential concerns. As a result, human beings, realizing the shortness of life,
began to pay attention to existential issues. However, there are optimistic views that can counteract
existential crises.
It is very important for modern society to understand the meaning of life, which is formed in
the minds of nomads, to become a spiritual necessity of existential, vital principles, which have a
positive character, aimed at a short life in accordance with human nature. Mastering the problem of
the meaning of life at a high level of consciousness is one of the necessary conditions for moral
maturity. The essence of human life is to be able to serve one's country and sacrifice one's life to
protect it from the enemy. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the problem of the meaning
of life in the nomadic worldview, the human being (property) that forms the human being. In order
to achieve this goal: the issues that are the core of the nomadic worldview – Man and morality, life
and life, the essence of the world, humanity and personality, individuality and morality were taken
into account.


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