Eğitim Psikologlarının Tanısal Yeterliliği: Mevcut Durum ve Sorunlar
20 35
Anahtar Kelimeler:
competence, diagnostics, diagnostic competence, psychological and pedagogical competence, education, psychology.Özet
Today the educational system is changing globally. This requires new criteria for success in professional activities. Refine skills continuously to overcome unexpected challenges. In the context of pedagogical activity, in particular, among educational psychologists, the implementation of this need turns out to be impossible without the presence of diagnostic competence.
The article presents a study aimed at identifying the current level of diagnostic competence of educational psychologists and analyzing the difficulties they encounter in their professional activities. The main objectives include determining the level of cognitive knowledge, motivational factors for application in professional activities, and identifying personal problems in the field of diagnostics. The scientific significance of the study lies in the fact that the data obtained represent significant indicators for developing a program to improve the level of diagnostic competence. The practical significance lies in the use of the results to form a model of diagnostic competence of students of educational psychologists in higher educational institutions.
To achieve the set objectives, we used sociological methods, which included utilizing the “Questionnaire for express diagnosis of professional difficulties of teachers” (a modification of the methodology by S.V. Danilov, L.P. Shustova, N.I. Kuznetsova), the “Analysis of motivational dominants of diagnostic activities of teachers” (authored by O.I. Dorofeeva), and a test for knowledge of the basics of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. 35 educational psychologists from the Zhetysu region with various qualification categories took part. We will use the obtained results to further improve the system of teaching diagnostic competence in higher education institutions.
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Abdullayeva P. For the study of the development of diagnostic competence of future teachers-psychologists in a University environment // Materials of the XII International scientific and practical conference Areas of scientific Thought-2016/2017. December 30, 2016 - january 7, 2017. – Vol. 3. Pedagogical sciences, Sheffield. – P. 14–23.
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