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cognitive linguistics, problems of linguistics, scientific field, theory of knowledge, features, interrelationship.Özet
This article is devoted to the study of the historical and scientific prerequisites for
the formation of a young, developing, and at the same time controversial and controversial scientific branch of linguistics - cognitive linguistics. The goals, object and subject of research in this field of knowledge are determined by theoretical and methodological principles that are formed on the basis of the cognitive-oriented work of Kazakh and foreign linguists. The continuation of the research traditions of cognitive linguistics, which is gaining popularity among Kazakh researchers, is noted. The theoretical and scientific basis of the research are such linguistic areas as frame and conceptual semantics, prototypical semantics, the theory of relevance (or linguistic emphasis), the theory of cognitive models and cognitive metaphor, the theory of mental spaces. Special attention is paid to the problems of the English language in comparison with other
language groups, which creates difficulties in linguists relying on traditional approaches to the study of the language system. The identified specific features in the use of English prepositions, modal verbs, the use of participles, the category of voice, tense, aspect, mood, as well as some difficulties in coordinating tenses lead researchers to the need to use linguo-cognitive methods of cognition. The establishment of a close and complex relationship between language and the process of thinking, cognition is accepted as an evidence-based advantage of the study. The data obtained as a result of the analysis are based on logical, deductive, comparative linguistic research methods. The tools used to assess the current problems of modern cognitive linguistics can be of applied significance and be used in international scientific communities to improve approaches to language learning. The scientific and practical significance of this study lies in the search for possible ways and implementation of identification opportunities, as well as a comprehensive study of the most pressing problems, reflecting the urgent need for further development of this scientific field.
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