Some Questions Related to the Life of Zholbarys Khan

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  • М. Tastanbekov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • G. SYZDYKOVA South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Zholbarys Khan, Abdullah Khan, The Kazakh Khanate, The Great Hundred, Turkistan, Yassawi mausoleum.


There are many historical figures in Kazakh history who have left their mark. However, contradictory information about their way of life is often found. The life of Zholbarys Abdullauly, who has a special place among the kazakh khans, is also full of secrets due to the lack of evidence. The article discusses the origin of Zholbarys Khan, his life and role, his brothers and children in connection with historical events. Although it is not ruled out that he is from the Genghis dynasty, the reasons for calling him "unknown origin" are analyzed. The answer to the problem, that he was the brother of Abulkhair Khan is considered.
The activities of Zholbarys Khan, the political situation during his reign and relations with neighboring countries are analyzed based on sources. The territory ruled by Zholbarys Khan and his politics are seen as one of the main issues. The Dzungar invasion and the establishment of diplomatic relations with Russia are analyzed as foreign policy priorities. The territories liberated from the Dzungars as a result of a joint struggle against a common enemy are named. The names of noble people during the reign of Zholbarys Khan are described in connection with the historical events of that time.
It is said that the death of Zholbarys Khan, as well as his whole life, caused a number of speculations. His burial place is the spiritual capital of the country - Turkestan. The opinion that he was buried in the mausoleum of Hodja Ahmed Yasawi, which became the eternal home of 21 kazakh khans, is supported by additional data. As part of the inauguration of historical figures, the name of Zholbarys Khan will be promoted.


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