The Function of Folklore Concepts in the Novels of S. Raev «Zhanzhaza» and T. Nurmaganbetov «Death of Angels»
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Anahtar Kelimeler:
post-colonization, dream, storyline, leitmotif, Sultan Raev, myth.Özet
The article examines the features of the use of folklore motifs and images that
served as an artistic method in depicting the manifestations of post-collonization in Kazakh-Kyrgyz
literature written in the period after independence. Scientific evidence of the negative impact of
colonization by Russia on the culture and political and social status, traditions, religious customs of
the peoples of Central Asia was presented, a study was conducted in the literary aspect. It was
found that the writers used such motives as a curse, a crow, a snake, a ghost, a witch, retribution,
snake fascination, resistance to God, the search for Holy Land, mourning for a sacred tree, in search
of solutions to pressing problems of society, in order to idealize the protagonist. A comparative
typological analysis of the meaning and allegorical character of the symbolism of the snake in the
novels of the Kyrgyz writer Sultan Raev «Zhanzhaza» and the Kazakh writer Tynymbai
Nurmaganbetov «Death of Angels» was also carried out.
The work «Zhanzhaza» analyzes as some elements of spiritual censorship prohibiting
humanity, the ban on reading the Bible to patients in a psychiatric hospital, godlessness expressed
under the images of Lear and Alexander the Great, the activity of the plots of the cult of personality,
in the work «Death of Angels» the personal intention and creative skill of the author, revealing the
appearance of modernity in the form of fraud, are analyzed, deception, the troubles of society, going
through a crisis, female inequality.
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