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  • SALIKZHANOVA Sh.B. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • TOK TURGUT Pamukkale University
  • MURSALIM G.O. Alikhan Bokeikhan University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

ethnolinguistics, ethnography, linguoculturology, linguoculturology fundamentals, worldview, cultural and linguistic identity, linguistic consciousness.


The article is written in the direction of searching, analyzing, studying lectures on women's clothing and fashion, jewelry and is devoted to the origin of ethnographisms.

Purpose of the article is differentiation of problems of emergence, implementation, dissemination of ethnographisms, analysis of names on concrete examples.

The main directions and ideas are the definition, analysis of the scientific and practical nature of the article and the place of ideological, ethnological and cultural aspects of ethnography in Kazakh spirituality.

Scientific significance of the article is if there is an analysis of ancient forms of ethnography, which have not been studied much in linguistics, then the practical significance is to contribute to the correct use of Ethnography in accordance with the laws of the national language, without destroying the semantic tone.

The article provides etymological, semantic, linguistic analysis in order to determine the basis of the emergence of ethnographism in combination with cultural and linguistic factors.

The works that were previously considered and studied by other authors were not refuted, but based on the use of the same research models, they were differentiated by the meaning, nature of application, and history of the origin of several types of ethnographisms. In the course of the analysis, the cultural and ethnographic features of the nation are taken as a basis.

The author analyzes the etymology, revealing in conclusion the meaning of ethnography, the main results and analysis of the article.

The value of the article, the practical significance of the research results determine the use of ethnographisms in our language, analyze by examples, identify and differentiate the ethnonymic meaning of names, give a theoretical definition, comprehend and realize the meaning of ethnographisms in our language.

Practical significance of the conclusion of the article – to carry out the formation of ethnographers who compare now non-existent types and existing ones, spending them in accordance with their meaning, to develop the linguistic culture of the population.


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