The Structural Content of the Commercialization of Educational Research Results of Future Teachers

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commercialization, commercialization model, educational research, scientific research, future teacher, commercialization of knowledge.


The article provides a versatile definition of the concept of commercialization. The structure of the commercialization of educational and scientific results, the possibilities, goals,
objectives, the main advantages and features of the commercialization of educational and scientific
results on the basis of theoretical and practical knowledge obtained during the training of teachers in the higher education system have been substantiated. Today, a complex turnaround is underway in the country's education sector, aimed at solving important tasks for the education of a competitive generation. Despite the fact that official documents have been adopted in Kazakhstan in recent decades and work related to the commercialization of research results and technologies has
been carried out, the model of commercialization of research by universities and research centers needs to be improved. The model of commercialization of the results of educational and research activities of future teachers is described in the article. In this structure, a model of its implementation at the university has been developed with an analysis of the theoretical basis for
preparing future teachers for the commercialization of the results of educational research and research works.
A model for preparing future teachers for the commercialization of knowledge in the innovative educational space of a university, which consists of a set of actions: content, timing,
place and resources of activities aimed at achieving a common goal, solving a common problem.


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