Psychological and Pedagogical Conditions for the Formation of Intercultural Competence in Students

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education, innovation, intercultural communication, trilingual education, globalization, national identity.


The article examines the formation of intercultural competence of students as a topical issue in the education system. Deep socio-economic and political changes in our country are associated with the transition to an open civil society, the distinctive feature of which is the interaction of man with representatives of other countries and peoples. The domestic education system is also changing in this regard. The process of integration into the world community and the creation of an open democratic society has set a new goal for Kazakhstan's education system. The task is to bring up a person who lives in a certain country, not only as a representative of his own culture, but also as a citizen of the world who perceives himself and its carrier, and has a world-class ability to absorb the rich cultural heritage of his people and other nations. The formation of a cultured personality, striving for mutual understanding with them, ready to carry out interpersonal and intercultural interaction is important in communication. Modern society requires not just teachers and psychologists, but much more widely – specialists in international and intercultural communication. This goes beyond just knowing the language, which is by no means the end of communication between people. In the process of learning, students must master the skills, act as an intermediary between representatives of their own and foreign cultures, determine the causes of violations of intercultural communication and effectively eliminate misunderstandings and conflict situations caused by intercultural differences. Thus, the tasks of professional training of students include the study of intercultural differences, which allows them to more clearly understand the characteristics of their culture, interact more effectively with representatives of another culture, avoid interethnic tension and can serve as a guide in a situation of ethnic conflicts. In this regard, the pedagogical and psychological conditions of intercultural formation of students is one of the most interesting and topical issues.


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