The Essence of Knowledge and Edification of Abai in the Study of M. Auezov
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Abai, poems, M. Auezov, monograph, morality, knowledge, education, society, state, good.Abstract
The article discusses the personality of M. Auezov, who was at the origins of Abai
studies, and his ideas regarding the moral postulates of Abai. M. Auezov is the founder of Abay
studies as a science. M. Auezov is a scientist who thoroughly studied the life and heritage of Abay
using a systematic approach. M. Auezov made a significant contribution to the development of
Abay studies as a science. Mukhtar happened to see Abai as a child, being next to his grandfather
Auez. When Abai died, Mukhtar was six or seven years old. At the age of nine or ten, Mukhtar
already knew by heart almost all of Abai's poems. The first work that came out from the pen of
M. Auezov as a writer was the article – “The basis of humanity is a woman” (1917), his next article
(1918) was devoted to the life and work of Abay. In the 30s of the twentieth century, M. Auezov
prepared and published the complete works of Abai, completed an extensive scientific biography of
the poet. The result of a further in-depth description of Abai's biography was the four-volume epic
novel “The Way of Abai” (1942–1956). He published the monograph “Abai Kunanbaev”, which
comprehensively reflects the life and work of Abai. All this elevated M. Auezov to the heights of a
unique Abai scholar, the founder of the science of Abai studies. In the article, the work of
M. Auezov is defined as a work that reveals the most important issue in the worldview of Abay –
the basis of moral knowledge. The writer comes to the conclusion that the main problem in the
work of Abai is the philosophy of morality and morality. The doctrine of the perfect man, which
became the property of science on the basis of the research of M. Myrzakhmetov, is a logical
continuation of the theory of “Moral Personality”, formulated by M. Auezov. From the thoughts of
M. Auezov about the work of Abay, it follows that the theme of morality is a thoughtful teaching,
and Abay is a poet who sang morality in the system of other knowledge and teachings.
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ISSN-p 2306-7365
ISSN-e 2664-0686
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