Distance Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Language Barriers and New Contents of Kazakh Society
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distance learning, barriers, lexical-semantic, communicative-pragmatic, lexical innovations, speech, pedagogical design.Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic, which rocked humanity on Earth, changed people's attitudes, psychology, and way of life. Because of this situation, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared an emergency of international importance, various scientific and clinical studies were conducted, and the people of the world had to adapt to the situation. In 2020–2022, it is known that the COVID-19 pandemic has become a serious challenge for the education system of the whole world. During the pandemic, schoolchildren and students of higher education institutions couldn't study in the traditional format, so they switched to the online mode. When the pandemic started, it was not easy to hold classes in a distance learning format. Both teachers and students of higher educational institutions had to learn ways to use information and communication technologies, new platforms, and tools and use them in the teaching process. The purpose, methodology, methodical materials, organizational forms of the lesson, selection of educational tools, and organization are related to pedagogical design. However, despite the systematic planning of classes, there were gaps in the organization of online training, such as the inability of all students to connect, poor internet access, lack of devices to use the internet, unsuitability, etc. All this interfered with the activities of students in the lesson process communicatively and pragmatically. Also, during distance learning, lexico-semantic barriers were encountered in the speech of students, which were influenced by cases when new terms began to be actively introduced into our language, difficulties with their interpretation, and limited ZOOM time for analyzing and interpreting the meaning of these words. These points were taken into account and analyzed in the article. The changes in the people's daily life in our country were also reflected in their language, i.e., since March 2020, our language has been supplemented with many new words, and several words and phrases have acquired new meanings. Some of them expanded the scope of work and moved from special medical and social spheres to general use. The article also paid attention to the types and usage of new language units that entered the vocabulary of the Kazakh language during the spread of the Coronavirus infection.
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