Possibilities for Formation of Professional Competences of a Future Foreign Language Teacher in Conditions of Distance Learning
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opportunities, professional competences, future foreign language teacher, distance learning, digital tools.Abstract
At present, in the process of training competitive specialists, the main importance is given to innovation. The training of a qualitatively new specialist, ready to work in new conditions, able to adapt to today's innovations and respond in a timely manner, is the main requirement of the time. Under these conditions, there is a public need to improve the quality of higher professional education and its compliance with the world level of education. Therefore, the process of reforming education, which is currently being intensively carried out in Kazakhstan, is aimed at implementing the idea of digitalizing the education of its citizens. Under these conditions, it is especially important to train future teachers who are ready to implement distance learning at school, who can communicate with colleagues, schoolchildren and parents, conduct classes, give feedback using digital tools, applications and platforms in a distance learning environment. In the article, the educational program within the framework of the state mandatory standard of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty 6b01718-Foreign Language: two foreign languages the problem of mastering the skills of reading, writing, listening, speaking through modern innovative technologies on the basis of teaching the theory and methods of practical mastery of two foreign languages was also considered. In addition, in order to open up opportunities for the formation of professional competencies of a future foreign language teacher in the context of distance learning, the program of the author's course «organization and methodology of distance learning of a foreign language» was presented.
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