Opportunities to Improve the Ecological Competence of Students in the Secondary School Physics Course

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  • Rakhmetova M.T. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Abykanova B.T. Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University
  • Choruh Ali Sakarya University


ecology, sustainable development, elective course, environmental culture, environmental education.


This article shows ways to improve environmental competence with an elective physics course. Climate and other impacts of human activity on a planetary scale have now led us to understand the need to manage resource use on a global scale. Including ecosystem-linked greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone depletion, near-surface temperatures, ocean acidification, mortality of marine fish, oxygen depletion from the discharge of reactive nitrogen into coastal waters, deforestation, conversion of natural ecosystems to agriculture and loss of terrestrial biodiversity. And the study of the physical, chemical, biological factors of these phenomena is within the competence of the natural sciences. On the basis of research, various directions for improving environmental education of students are still proposed, as well as few calls for environmental protection through the teaching of natural science subjects, including physics. Basically, the study of the main problems of technology in accordance with modern scientific and technological progress is carried out through this subject of physics, and students need to know what impact these technological processes have on human health from the point of view of the subject of physics, that is, how harmful they are.

The purpose of this study is to provide the content and methodology of the elective course for the scientific and theoretical justification of environmental education of students through the teaching of physics in secondary school, as well as to increase environmental competence in the educational process organized on the subject “Physics”. Due to the limited number of hours devoted to teaching the subject, it is necessary to consider ways to develop environmental knowledge and ideas of students in extracurricular activities. One of them is an elective course. The proposed elective course helps students to increase their activity in environmental work, independent research, the desire to protect the environment and the worldview of the natural environment. The elective course offers thematic planning, teaching methods and various forms of conducting lessons on electrodynamics. In addition, this elective course provides great opportunities for the development of students' creative abilities, the formation of a personality that is well versed in physical and technical principles and environmental issues of the electric power industry. The article will be of interest to scientists, methodologists and everyone involved in the modernization of society.


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