Religious and Historical Legends about the Cities of Sauran, Karachuk and Syganak, Located along the Syrdarya

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  • Abzhet B.S. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Bakhtybaev M.M. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Zhetibayev K.M. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Sauran, Syganak, Syrdarya, spirituality, Yassaui, Kazakh Khanate, Kalmyks, Syrym Batyr.


In the article, the legends associated with religious and historical events, preserved in written sources and oral traditions of the medieval cities of Sauran and Syganak, are considered and divided into three groups. The main direction of the legends preserved in the memory of the country about religious scientists who came with the spread of religion to the cities of Turkestan, Sauran and Syganak on the Syrdarya, who began to massively convert to Islam during the Karakhanid era, is analyzed. The focus is on historical events, historical legends that originated in the cities of Syganak and Sauran during the reign of the khans of the Golden Horde and the Kazakh Khanate, as well as toponyms associated with some khans. Scientifically considered is the fact that the cities of Turkestan and Syganak were the spiritual capital and religious center of the Kazakh people, and the development of Zhyrau literature based on Sufi literature in the era of the Khanate, the emergence of spiritual values originated from these cities. Also included in the article are some of the legends associated with these cities, which began to decline from the 18th century. Some legends related to these cities, which began to decline since the 18th century, are also included.There are also legends about the plight of the people who migrated from Sauran during the Dzungar invasion.These legends will also be analyzed in the article, and it will be mentioned that the castles along the Syrdarya River were deserted at the beginning of the 19th century.


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