Cognitive Semantics of the Concept «kȍk» in Creating Emotional Concepts
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emotion, concept, phraseology, color, cognitive linguistics.Abstract
The article examines the emotional nuances of the Kazakh language concept kȍk in language use. The research article reviews the works of scientists who studied the semantic meaning of the names of species and colors in domestic and foreign linguistics and linguistic units in expressing human feelings. The linguistic character of the concept of kȍk is analyzed, revealing the cognitive nature of emotional, expressive words. In addition, a cognitive and linguistic analysis was made of the words expressing inner excitement through the intuition of a person, which is often used in connection with the lexeme kȍk in our language. The linguistic image of the world through the concept of kȍk in national culture and text through the words that express the mood of a person allows to reveal the inner world of humanity and thereby to observe the level of acceptance of joy and sorrow of the whole people.
The main goal of the scientific article is to cognitively analyze the emotional tone of the color kȍk within the conceptual field of color names. In the research article, the emotional aspects of the colors and the color kȍk are considered from a cognitive point of view. There are still many problems in Kazakh linguistics, which have not been deeply studied, undiscovered, and undefined aspects of emotional signs of colors. In our modern research, we will consider the emotional aspects of the color kȍk in a linguistic and cognitive manner. From the linguistic point of view, the emotional meaning of kȍk in phraseological words is emphasized individually, and their cognitive nature in linguistic and cultural cognition is deeply studied.
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