The Diwani Hikmet Collection and Its Relation to the Kazakh People Oral Literature

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  • Suleimenova Zh.A. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • Korganbekov B.S. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


folklore genre, hal teaching, zikr, hikmet, Sufi tradition, spiritual education, Yasawi tarikhat, redif.


The teachings and works of Hoja Ahmet Yasawi are of great importance to Kazakh national culture. The collection «Diwani Hikmet» is a unique work composed of symmetrical dimensions, in rhythmic, branching, rhyming style, containing many wise thoughts and philosophical generalizations. It is filled with reflections in the form of prayers, proverbs and stories to help educate humanity in faith, brotherhood, love and kindness.

The collection of wisdom is an important monument of culture and literature of the Turkic peoples, including the Kazakh people. The wisdom and philosophical thoughts it contains are very relevant even for the modern society. Since the collection is oriented towards a nomadic environment, it was written under the influence of oral artistic tradition. Therefore, it is closely related to the oral literature of the Kazakh people. Hikmet was not only related to the oral tradition of folklore and oral, folklore literature that preceded it. As a result of oral distribution, they have greatly influenced the formation of many genres, themes and art forms of the whole Turkic, and especially Kazakh, folklore.

The purpose of this research paper is to determine the content and form of connection and continuity between the oral literature of the Kazakh people and the collection of Yasawi «Diwani Hikmet». The article aims to describe the content and art forms of Yasawi wisdom that originated in the oral artistic tradition of the Kazakh people, as well as to identify common artistic origins from which they both are rooted.

The materials and results of the analysis of Hikmets of Yasawi can form the basis for the creation of new theoretical works.


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