Mullah Ali Al-Qari is an Outstanding Scientist and Religions

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  • A. Zhamashev Egyptian University of Islamic Culture Nur-Mybarak
  • M. Abdilla Egyptian University of Islamic Culture Nur-Mybarak


Mulla Ali al-Qari, scientist, science, teacher, student.


The article is devoted to the chronicle data of the medieval scholar Mulla Ali-al-Qari. The scientist who lived in the XI century, known as Mulla Ali al-Qari, is a historical figure of his time. The article analyzes information about Mulla Ali al-Qari in historical and scientific research. It will also tell about the life, scientific path, works and his place in the sciences of Mulla Ali al-Qari. The number of works left by Mulla Ali al-Qari is indicated by referring to historical and biographical works. The article will include the names of teachers and students of Mulla Ali Al-Qari. We will briefly touch on the life of the teachers of Mullah Ali al-Qari, such as Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Ali al-Muttaki al-Hindi,   Atoya as-Sullami, Mirkalan, Qutubuddin al-Makki and his students, such as Abdul Qadir al-Tabari, Abdurrahman al-Murshidi, Muhammad Farrukh al-Murawi, Jawhar Nath al-Kashmiri. It is characteristic that the scientist followed one of the Sufi paths, such as Naqshbandiya, qadiriya, and chishtiya and avoided official positions and leaders. The praises of scientists are given in relation to Mulla Ali Al-Qari, who lived at the same time with the scientist and arrived after him, indicating the scientist's place in science. The critical remarks of some scientists about Mullah Ali al-Qari are also considered, and the answers of scientists to this criticism are given.


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