Names оf Horse Types in Kazakh

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  • D. Dauletaliyeva International Humanitarian and Technical University
  • B. Toktagul International Humanitarian and Technical University
  • Sh. Arzymbetova


ethnolinguistics, linguoculturology, lexico-semantic group, comparative vocabulary, historical vocabulary, cognitive linguistics, lexico-grammatical category.


It is obvious that the origin and their meaning of the word are inextricably linked with the daily life of the people who create this language. Many thousands of names in our language are the
main indicator of our national identity, which is unique to us.
In accordance with the principle of «unity of language and nation», attention is drawn to the importance of considering the linguistic and cultural nature of names and phraseological phrases that characterize the essence and image of our nation, some of which have deep roots in the history of linguistics and have already begun to emerge from historical memory. Because in today's society,
where social, cultural, psychological and ideological views are developing, it is quite possible that the names of concepts that have been remembered for centuries will be lost and forgotten in decades or even a few years. The authors, relying on the names of animals associated with the life of our people (including
names that convey the age characteristics of horses), generalizing language data that indicate the existence of a particular nation, people, also emphasize the importance of studying their ethnoconfessional, linguistic and cultural nature, preserving the eternal heritage of future generations.


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