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Heat conduction problems with discontinuous coefficients have been well studied for a long time. It should be noted the works [1-5], which are the closest in terms of topics to our work. In the work of A.A. Samarsky [1] using the method of Green's function and thermal potentials, the correctness of the first initial-boundary value problem for the heat equation with a discontinuous coefficient was proved. And in the work of Kazakhstani mathematicians E.I. Kim and
- B. Baimukhanov [2] by the method of potentials, by reducing to an integral equation, the correctness of the first initial-boundary value problem for a two-dimensional heat equation with a discontinuous heat conductivity coefficient in a half-space is proved. In [3-5], using thermal potentials, the existence of classical solutions to various boundary value problems for parabolic equations was proved.
In the case without discontinuity, the spectral theory of these problems is almost completely constructed. Here we can mention the works [6-16].
In this paper, we substantiate the solution of the initial-boundary value problems by the method of separation of variables for the heat equation with a piecewise constant heat conductivity coefficient under boundary conditions of the Sturm type (separated boundary conditions) and consider all possible cases.
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