Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Vatanseverlik Oluşum Teknolojisi
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Anahtar Kelimeler:
primary school, students, patriotism, formation, technology, educational process.Özet
Patriotic feeling is a psychological, social phenomenon that forms in a person, overlapping the conscious life of a person. Today, this direction has acquired special importance in the work of educational institutions. The destruction of the former ideological educational base, the rejection of the old system of values, the depoliticization and de-ideologization of the school, carried out in a hurry and unprofessionalism – all this led to the rejection of patriotic education as a purposeful pedagogical process. The idea of «self-knowledge» in education has been introduced into the public consciousness. Under these conditions, the former education system was destroyed.
The article proves the relevance of the formation of patriotism of younger schoolchildren. It is argued that patriotic education should begin with primary school. The reason for this is that the
stage in the elementary grades is a very favorable period for the formation of educational activities, which is the foundation, the basis for the development of the child. The article reveals the age
characteristics of younger schoolchildren. In addition, the system, ways, methods of forming patriotism are shown. A plan of measures for patriotic education has been drawn up. The results of experimental work on the formation of patriotism of younger schoolchildren are presented. The results of our research work can be used at the university in the process of preparing future teachers for the education of patriotism of younger schoolchildren.
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