Gelecekteki Eğitmenlerin Yetkinliklerini ve Bunların Nasıl Geliştirileceğini Denetleyen Eğitmenler

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Anahtar Kelimeler:

control, competence, competence, coach, controlling competence, coach-teacher, future coach-teacher.


At the present stage in the education system, great importance is attached to the control and evaluation of the course of study and learning outcomes. In the conditions of renewed education within the walls of the school, evaluation actions are a priority. Control is the main function of management and ensures the correct implementation of the assessment. Control work at school requires special training of the teacher, i.e. the competence of the controller, in order for it to be carried out in full. To this end, disciplines that provide general pedagogical training in control are studied in pedagogical universities (Pedagogy, criteria-based assessment technology) and in methodological disciplines corresponding to each specialty, little time is allocated for control and evaluation. These questions do not form a high level of supervising competence of teachers. Therefore, in order to provide training in this direction, there is a need to implement educational materials and skills through special disciplines and interdisciplinary connections.
The article highlights the work carried out to determine the controlling competencies of future trainers-teachers of physical culture and the possibilities of the disciplines of the specialty that provide the direction of training being studied. The sequence of questions in the direction of determining the controlling competence is proposed. The ways (methods) of forming the observational competence of future trainers-teachers of the university are considered.


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