Aspects of the Transfer of National Values in the Content of Secondary Education (Based on the Kazakh Language and Literature)

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  • U. Yerkinbayev A. Baitursynuly Education Academy
  • Zh. Issayeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • T. Zhorabay A. Baitursynuly Education Academy

Anahtar Kelimeler:

national code, national knowledge, knowledge content, updated education content, educational discourse, national language, national worldview, skills.


The content of the article covers the context of modern educational discourse and the problem of national values. The authors emphasizes the state importance of education, arguing that «everything begins with the upbringing of the younger generation». National code, categories of national knowledge constitute the basic basis of the content of education. The authors of the article consider this topic in the context of knowledge, behavior, skills, meta-education system. The article analyzes the content of knowledge based on functional literacy from the point of view of critical thinking. The transition to the updated program does not take into account the principles of national identity and national ideology. The content of the program is based on learning skills based on the principle of economic interest. It is clear that such a principle cannot serve national unity comprehensively.
The article compares theoretical materials and practical analysis of the national language, national history and national education. According to the authors, it is effective to assimilate basic knowledge in these three areas and use the obtained material in your discipline and on the basis of interdisciplinary communication. In addition, effective skills for the systematic use of national values in the learning process are presented to teachers. It also shows how to use the educational process and personal development based on civic principles and as a source of national values. The article provides recommendations for teachers of secondary schools on the application of knowledge of history, language, national education in the educational process in various formats (debates, round tables, competitive projects, intellectual contests, essays, etc.). In conclusion, the article is devoted to the key issues of upbringing based on the national worldview.


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