M. Bulgakov’un ‘Usta ve Margarita’ Adlı Romanında ‘Yoksunluk’ Kavramının Bilişsel Açıdan Anlamsallaştırılması
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semantics, deprivation semantics, cognitive model, concept, verbal means, semantic category, deprivation, possessiveness, creativeness.Özet
The proposed article is devoted to the deprivation semantics, presented through cognitive models (structures), which in turn form the concept of “deprivation”. The actual material was semantic structures with the term 'deprivation', embodied by verbalization of individual linguistic units and fragments of the text of M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”. The deep structures of these fragments cover cognitive models of various types in the text. The analysis of the material was carried out by using methods of cognitive, semantic, and functional analysis, as well as the philological method of research. The results of the analysis suggest that cognitive models, embody superfluous semantics, contribute to the transmission of the main idea of the authors. The results obtained are effective in analyzing the text of the novel at school and university for educational purposes, as well as for forming a moral perspective of modern society. Superfluous semantics contains a negative connotation, and the reader, perceiving the event being presented, introduces it into a certain social context, it seems necessary to study the perception of statements with superfluous semantics by the readership. This can contribute to the improvement of the content and formal means used, as well as presentation techniques. At the same time, it seems to us unjustified to identify the semantics of deprivation and denial, as well as to interpret the superfluous semantics in the context of opposition to the semantics of the primitive. In addition, as the review of linguistic sources on this issue shows, the works of scientists not only lack a clear separation of the category of deprivation from semantically related categories but also do not consider its status in the paradigm of linguistic knowledge as a whole. The need for research, therefore, consists in affirming one of the views on the term “deprivation” within the confines of a disagreement of opinions, in other words, in bringing the term to uniformity.
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