Lise Öğrencilerinin Astronomik Bilgilerini Oluşturmak İçin Bir Metodolojinin Oluşturulması
16 57
Anahtar Kelimeler:
subject of physics, critical perception, astronomy, formation, model.Özet
The article provides an overview of current issues related to the insufficient level of astronomical literacy of schoolchildren and provides test data conducted among first-year students of the University. The study also emphasizes international experience, including the US initiative to integrate astronomy into educational programs, highlighting the importance of this discipline in shaping a unified worldview of students. The article provides recommendations for changing the content of the astronomy course, taking into account the identified problems and modern educational needs.
The methodological basis of the study includes the dialectical method of cognition and the system-integrated approach. Changes in the content of the astronomy course are justified and specific measures are proposed to improve the quality of astronomical education in schools. The results of the study are aimed at developing effective methods for the formation of astronomical knowledge in high school students and improving their general scientific literacy.
This article discusses the methodology for developing skills of critical perception of scientific information in the process of teaching astronomy in secondary school. It is suggested that, without weakening the consistency of the course, some materials should be attributed to the variable component. During the research, the stages of critical perception are developed, which are performed based on astronomical knowledge. The basis for the practical implementation of the proposed methodology was the introduction of a system of didactic unity into the learning process. A model of the methodology for the formation of critical perception of schoolchildren in astronomy lessons has been developed. To prevent the formation of information nihilism in the process of teaching astronomy, it is proposed to introduce students to information resources that provide reliable information on astronomy and astrophysics. It is proved that it is necessary to cultivate an attitude by the information of astronomical content received outside of school. To this end, an introduction would be correct, since, firstly, it is necessary to inform about the essence of production and not only scientific, but also scientific knowledge, and secondly, to criticize several common misconceptions, as well as scientific teachings on the relevant topic from the side of science. It is recommended to use the results of the study in the process of teaching astronomy in secondary school.
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