Üniversitedeki Dil Derslerinde Rusça ve Kazakça Deyim Birimlerinin Kültürel ve Ulusal Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi

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  • S.N. Kozhakhmetova Zhanibekov University
  • V.D. Narozhnaya Zhanibekov University
  • N.K. Meіirbek Central Asian Innovation University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

linguocultural approach, culture-centric principles of teaching, comparative method, theoretical knowledge, practical skills.


The article is devoted to the study of Russian and Kazakh phraseological units, which are products of linguistic folk consciousness as the materialization of the experience of generations and individual representatives of the ethnic group. It is revealed that the phraseological fund of a language records and reflects the social and cultural experience of a particular community, and is reflected both in the universal, common to all humanity, and in the unique, national-cultural picture of the world. The conceptual and phraseological aspect of the study of stable phrases through the national cultural code is highlighted in the light of modern linguocultural research, and a comparative description of phraseological units of the Kazakh and Russian languages is provided. The expediency of conducting experimental studies (questionnaires) is substantiated to reveal the degree of assimilation of phraseological units by recipients and the effectiveness of their use in speech. An educational longread has been created as a tool for digital linguodidactics in the study of Russian and Kazakh phraseological units, effective methods for introducing phraseological units into speech have been selected. The materials presented in the article can contribute to the construction of a productive intercultural dialogue, in which it is important not only to understand the language of another people, but also to master the cultural values of this people, perceive their national specifics, and assimilate those components that make up the national cultural code of the picture of the world under study.


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