Açıklayıcı Bir Sözlük Geliştirmek İçin Dünyanın İleri Modelleri

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  • B.S. Kapalbek Institute of State Language Development
  • B.N. Nurzhanova Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

word, Explanatory Dictionary, experience, advanced samples, lexicography, technology.


The article discusses the world’s best examples of Explanatory Dictionary development. The formation of an Explanatory Dictionary is a very relevant issue for linguists around the world today. The vocabulary of the language of a particular nation is fully collected and drawn into the alphabetical system. Each word is marked with grammatical, and stylistic features, and their meanings are determined. Regular expressions will also be collected in one place and their Meanings will be revealed. Thus, the structure of the language, lexical-grammatical, phraseological, semantic, stylistic features are shown, their linguistic analysis is carried out, and scientific descriptions of language units are given. On this basis, the types of development of an Explanatory Dictionary in a scientific article are indicated and analyzed. The Explanatory Dictionary of a particular language should be scientifically supplemented and qualitatively developed by the requirements of these three groups. Then for those who know the national language well, the Explanatory Dictionary will become the main pillar of Kazakh linguistics. Then it means that it performs the function of scientific work. Looking at the Explanatory Dictionary, you can judge the level of development of each nation's language. The Explanatory Dictionary should not only be a scientific work that serves as a reference or teaching aid, but it should also be a didactic tool. In the course of the study, methods of comparison, analysis, and compilation were used. As a result, the position of foreign explanatory dictionaries, including the dictionary in the lexicography of a European country, to be common to all people and accessible so that it can be used by the general population, was demonstrated and theoretically proved.


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