Yabancı Dil Öğreniminde İki Dilli Dil Bilimsel Temeller

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  • S. POLATOVA Miras University
  • А. SHYMYRBEKOVA M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
  • B. SPATAYEV M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

bilingualism, trilingual, multilingualism, foreign language, influence, research.


This article explores the significant impact of bilingual linguistic foundations on the process of learning a foreign language, with particular emphasis on the context of trilingual education in Kazakhstan. It highlights the advantages and challenges associated with integrating the Kazakh, Russian, and English languages into the education system. In 2015, the Ministry of Education and Science initiated programs to increase the credit hours for language courses in universities and to train teachers to conduct subjects in English. In this regard, a policy to improve language education was implemented. These measures aimed to enhance the professional qualifications of educators and improve students' language proficiency levels.
Additionally, this scientific article highlights the cognitive, linguistic, and social benefits of bilingualism and multilingualism, such as improvements in brain structure, enhanced cognitive abilities, and better learning outcomes. It also presents a theoretical model of trilingual education designed to promote linguistic and cultural diversity, intercultural competence, and effective communication strategies. The findings suggest that multilingual education is becoming increasingly important in the global community, as it enables individuals to engage in professional activities, communicate effectively, and appreciate diverse cultures. The study concludes that Kazakhstan's trilingualism program is a forward-thinking approach that meets the modern demands of society and transforms the country into a linguistically favorable environment.


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