Gençlik Argosunda İngilizce Kelimeler
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Anahtar Kelimeler:
slang, youth slang, computer slang, sociolect, colloquial language, foreign words, non-normative vocabulary, Anglicism.Özet
This article will be devoted to the research of the English slang influence in a
colloquial speech on the purity of language. Spoken language is the most essential part of language functioning. One of the most popular forms of conversation is the application of slang. Slang is an informal language used in colloquial rather than writing. Among the slang, “youth slang” and “computer slang” were taken as the main objects of inquiry. Now slang is an active element of the youth language. Slang is so popular that we come across it in everyday colloquial speech. Slang is penetrating all spheres of society. Since youth is a socially active layer of society, new forms of social relations have a great impact on young people. Their language competence and speech habit determine the direction of language development and other social subsystems. That is why it is important to study youth slang. Young people actively use anglicisms in their spoken language. Many words in English are actively used on the pages of the youth press, as well as in radio and television programs. Due to the rapid growth of computerization, borrowed words from the English language enter the speech of young people quite quickly, because young people are a group that tends to quickly master and perceive everything new that has appeared in their lives. The most active slang users are young people and computer users. That is why the work considers English slang in the spoken language of these two social groups.
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