Kazak Atasözleri ve Deyişlerinde Milli Kod

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  • F.T. Kurmangali S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University
  • A.A. Baimbetova M.H. Dulati Taraz Regional University
  • M.K. Sarsembayeva M.H. Dulati Taraz Regional University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

national language, national code, proverbs and sayings, culture, spiritual value, national memory, national value, national character.


Proverbs that store centuries-old cultural and historical information of the people,
as a national code, are one of the spiritual values of the people. Proverbs and sayings are one of the most valuable types of verbal art, continuing from ancient times to the present day. It is known that the culture, spiritual wealth, and worldview of a people with a centuries-old history are transmitted from generation to generation through the language of the nation. That is, the true image of each nation and its existence are stored in the memory of descendants based on the language of this nation. Thus, one of the basic concepts of linguoculture can be considered the linguocultural code, the main tool that allows you to recognize the national code, get information about the ethnic group. In this regard, the main purpose of the article was to recognize proverbs and sayings that have accumulated national values of the Kazakh people as a national cultural code. The article analyzes the ethno-cultural, cognitive content of linguistic units in the paremiological system of the Kazakh people, proverbs and sayings are considered as a set of centuries-old signs of information. In linguistics, the anthropogenically relevant scientific paradigm considers the relationship between a person, language and culture, correlating language with the society in which this language functions, the social environment accumulated over the years of experience of the population as a whole, centuries-old history, the world of knowledge and traditions. Anthropogenically relevant paradigm is a branch of science that involves solving the problems of determining the influence of language on cognition, human culture, and how it functions. Obtaining proverbs as an object of study in the knowledge of the national-cultural picture of the world is one of the urgent problems of linguistics. The national code has been preserved in the language, traditions and customs, national character, culture and literature of the people. In particular, proverbs and sayings that convey the knowledge and worldview of the people, the general way of life, reflect the peculiarities of the national picture of the world. Since time immemorial, the cultural and spiritual identity of the Kazakh people has been distinguished by virtue, integrity, wisdom. The national code is rich in kindness, dignity, honesty, kindness, teaching and upbringing, commitment to spiritual and moral values. The national code peculiar to the Kazakh people has long accumulated debt and justice. Therefore, the systematic study of the linguistic nature of proverbs and sayings in the knowledge of the linguistic picture of the world and the definition of the national code is inextricably linked with the study of cultural identity, the nature of the people.


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