Dijital Otizmin Nöro Dil Bilimsel Özellikleri

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  • А.G. Sembayeva Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University
  • K.N. Shokhayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

keywords words: neurolinguistics, digital autism, autism spectrum disorder, brain function, speech behavior, cognitive mechanism, defectology, communication.


The way of thinking and consciousness of a person is not only a problem of an
individual, but also a general socio-social problem. In the modern era of “digitalization”, the
phenomenon of “digital autism” is rapidly gaining momentum among the younger generation,
especially among children and adolescents. Screeners, buzzers or Generation “Z” are modern
children who cannot imagine their lives without electronic devices. This makes it difficult not only
for the child to develop language abilities and speech activity, but also to adapt to the social
environment, get an education, and the path to professional success.
The article examines the impact of digital autism, which is the impact of autism on people's
daily and personal lives. Currently, social networking or excessive spending time in a virtual
environment can give people an advantage over direct communication and give them emotional
freedom and confidence that are not always present in ordinary communication. However,
excessive isolation from society, the distinction between virtual and real life situations, their correct
assessment and the development of specific solutions create certain difficulties.
The complexity of the issue of digital autism lies in the fact that digital autism occurs not only
in children, but also in adults. Unfortunately, there are few neurolinguistic studies on the prevention of digital autism, treatment of autism, rehabilitation, and restoration of brain function. Digital autism is one of the most difficult problems that requires studying at the junction of several
sciences, such as neurolinguistics, sociology, medicine, defectology, from the point of view of the
anthropolinguistic paradigm.


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