Fizik Öğretiminin Etkin Bir Şekilde Uygulanması İçin STEM Eğitimi
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Anahtar Kelimeler:
STEM, Electricity and magnetism subject, technology, teaching physics, students.Özet
Given the High role of future physics teachers in the development of Natural
Science and technology, it is undoubtedly relevant to promote them to become competitive
specialists in their professional activities. Therefore, there is a need to create an opportunity for
future physics teachers to take a place in the world competition in the field of Science and
technology by identifying advanced technologies for mastering professional competencies,
introducing them into the educational process. As one of the advanced technologies – STEM
education allows future physics teachers to develop as a person who can meet the requirements of
the labor market, business and high-tech industries. Therefore, in the article, we considered
effective methods of teaching, such as deep and comprehensive acquisition of knowledge through
the wide use of Information Communication and STEM technologies in the teaching of the subject
“Electricity and Magnetism”, as well as the problems of mastering the scientific foundations of the
subject. He not only acquired knowledge from the subject “Electricity and magnetism”, but also
applied the knowledge gained in everyday life, equipment, technology, etc. we showed the ways of
developing the student's ability to think and creative activity.
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