Kazak Masallarında "İyi" ve "Kötü" Karşıtlığı
114 227
Anahtar Kelimeler:
literature, fairy tale, national character, culture, folklore, opposition, concept.Özet
The article examines the concept of «goodness» in Kazakh fairy tales. To reveal the
worldview, behavior, and general character of the population means to identify the most important
socio–psychological features historically formed from a set of socio-economic structures, lifestyle,
living conditions, etc. The formation of the national way of life of the population is influenced by
natural conditions, flora and fauna, which, in turn, determine the type of work, the system of
customs in which they are engaged. The linguistic picture of the world is a holistic, systematic
representation of true being, carried out using various linguistic means.
The article examines the reflection in fairy tales of the word «good for oneself, evil for
oneself» that has developed in the Kazakh worldview. This is the basis of knowledge accumulated
by the people from their life experience. In the parallel study of good and evil, no matter what kind
of folk tale it is, there will be no hero who has achieved the ideal by committing evil. Will not be. It
is believed that the opposition of good and evil exists in the linguistic picture of any world in every
The everyday ritual is sometimes found in the multivariate texts of fairy tales. It is also legal
because fairy tales told by word of mouth have the right to appear in a wide variety of versions. At
the same time, flexibility in speech, pronunciation, ease of perception, as well as one of the important factors.
It is clear that in the linguistic picture of the world in Kazakh fairy tales, specific facts are easily illustrated that determine the difference between good and evil, which is relevant today, and how it manifests itself in everyday life.
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