The Narrative Character of the Image of Makhambet in Kazakh Poetry (Based on the Poetry of Olzhas Suleimenov)
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Anahtar Kelimeler:
O. Suleimenov, image, image of Makhambet, image in poetry, artistic image, historical image, narrative, narrative in poetry, construction of a poem.Özet
The last zhyrau (poetic singer) of the Kazakh Khanate, Makhambet Utemisuly, was a prominent figure in the nation's history and literature. He held various roles as a poet, batyr (warrior), and esteemed commander, and his influence resonates strongly within the Kazakh literary tradition. Makhambet's persona served as a significant source of inspiration for numerous poets and writers in Kazakh literature. Notably, his portrayal holds a special significance within the poetry of Olzhas Suleimenov, a versatile poet, public figure, and turkologist. This assertion is substantiated by Suleimenov's poetic works dedicated to Makhambet batyr, covering a range of themes. This research work contributes to a profound understanding of the concept of «image» in Kazakh literary science, specifically through its expression in poetry. The primary objective of this scientific inquiry is to unravel the narrative essence of Makhambet's image as depicted in Olzhas Suleimenov's poetry. The author examines several literary works concerning Makhambet in the Kazakh canon. Through an exploration of the various dimensions in which Makhambet's image is portrayed in Suleimenov's poems and Russian translations, the author provides evidence to support the narrative nature of this image, substantiating their claims with relevant examples. Given that Suleimenov predominantly writes in Russian, the study places particular emphasis on the fidelity of the image's conveyance in both the original and translated versions. While the concept of «image» in the works of Kazakh poets has been the subject of multiple studies, with its significance duly acknowledged, the notion of narrative in poetry remains a pertinent subject within contemporary literary scholarship. This article underscores the paramount importance of investigating the concepts of «image» and «narrative» within the context of poetry, thereby emphasizing the core value of this research. In this research, the author substantiates the hypothesis that a profound and comprehensive exploration of the image in poetry necessitates the discovery of a narrative coherence that unifies the poem's internal structure, the author's intent, and the nuances of word usage.
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