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Anahtar Kelimeler:

golden age, outstanding artist, writer's image, Abai studies, wise thinker.


The article will focus on the life and fiction of Mukhtar Auezov, as well as on the course of writing and translating into Russian the epic of the novel “The Way of Abai”, reflection in the literary, cultural, artistic criticism of the state of Russia, which is our neighboring state, about the media space of the world. Russian publication of the novel “The Way of Abai”, written by the great man M. Auezov, is hotly discussed in Russian literature. A theoretical analysis of the views of Russian literary critics on the professional requirements of literary criticism was also carried out. To date, this topic is one of the most relevant, which has been little studied. In recent years, especially during the period of independence, Russian literary studies have been considering various scientific studies and historical cognitive works, new materials based on other archival documents, new approaches to texts, opportunities for new examinations. Numerous research papers and scientific books, historical documents, etc. have been published about Mukhtar Auezov's “The Way of Abai”. Currently, up-to-date information in social networks, electronic channels, M. Auezov was considered in comparison with scientific conclusions, historical data related to the established Abai studies. Mukhtar Auezov is a classic of Kazakh literature in his research work. The evaluation of the poet's artistic image in the novel “The Way of Abai”, given in Russian literature, was analyzed in a comparative form from today's point of view.


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