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Anahtar Kelimeler:
plot, motif, epic, system of images, English publication, Kazakh version.Özet
The epic “Korugly” is one of the most popular folklore works in the world. Poems about Korugly, descended from the Turkmen Teke tribe, are ethnically, linguistically and religiously diverse in Kazakh, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Armenian, Georgian, Uzbek, Turkmen, Tajik, Kurdish, Tatar, Abkhaz, Kumuk, Karakalpak and other languages. It has been sung in the folklore of nations for centuries and has become a favorite work of the people. In addition, it is known that the epic “Korugly” has been studied by many scholars in accordance with the motivational and plot features. This article describes the peculiarities of the image systems of the English edition of the epic “Korugly” and the Kazakh version. In the study of the image systems of the English and Kazakh versions, such research methods were used as observation, comparison, analogy. With the help of these methods, the similarities and differences in the actions of the same characters in both versions of the epic “Korugly” were identified at the plot and motivational levels. As a result of a comparative study, the features of the image system of the English edition of the epic “Korugly” and the Kazakh version were revealed. The English version of the epic and the images of the Kazakh version were discussed separately, and the differences in the characters in each version were revealed. An analysis of positive and negative characters of the epic “Korugly” in two versions was conducted. The results of the research can be used by readers interested in the literature of the Turkic world, as well as in universities and secondary schools as a scientifically researched work based on the poem “Korugly”.
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