Methods for Forming Lexical Skills in Teaching the Kazakh Language (in classes with non-Kazakh language of instruction)
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Anahtar Kelimeler:
lexical skills, lexical competence, speaking, language teaching methods, lexical exercises.Özet
This article discusses the methodology for the formation of lexical skills in teaching the Kazakh language. In the course of the study, a set of exercises aimed at the formation of lexical skills was developed and presented. The process of forming lexical skills in teaching the Kazakh language at school is considered at a level above the average. The problems of the formation of lexical skills today are becoming the subject of study of the works of many linguists and methodologists. The results of the analysis of domestic literature and the practice of teaching foreign languages allow us to conclude that one of the main problems in the process of teaching vocabulary is the formation of lexical skills. It cannot be said that conducting Kazakh language lessons in the traditional way in the educational process in secondary schools forms lexical skills at a high level. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to test the effectiveness of a set of tasks designed to develop lexical skills at the highest level of education. Durıng study, we have used a set of methods that corresponded to the topic of the article: the method of direct observation, descriptive, data comparison, generalization and interpretation of the information received. Empirical methods were also used as a study of pedagogical practice, a methodological experiment and a survey. The results of the study confirmed the assumption that without fully formed lexical skills it is impossible to conduct an effective educational process when teaching the Kazakh language to schoolchildren, and it was found that lexical skills should be aimed at developing productive activities that allow for language communication.
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