Developing Thinking Skills through Project-based Learning
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Anahtar Kelimeler:
educational project, thinking skills, higher-level thinking skills, lower-level thinking skills, linguodidactics, modernization of teaching, Bloom's taxonomy.Özet
The article describes the role of the project-based learning method, which is a trend of updated educational content, in the formation of thinking skills. Project-based learning or a project method is seen as a means of developing critical, deeper, or higher order thinking skills than standard thinking models. It shows that it is possible to improve the quality of teaching by Kazakhstani school teachers by establishing interdisciplinary communication with other subjects with the help of a foreign language, by presenting various projects to the attention of students in the school context, and by aiming to teach based on the interests and needs of students. The effectiveness of the CLIL method in organizing project-based learning in foreign language classes is enormous. By organizing interdisciplinary integrations, it is possible to form connections between linguistic disciplines and science lessons. In addition, by presenting small researches and projects to the attention of the students, it allows to define the research abilities and focuses of the students. In order to improve the quality of the lesson, it should be noted that during the question-and-answer session with students, high-level questions not only think deeply, critically and creatively, but also create conditions for forming their own opinions. Also, in the process of working with various projects, students' knowledge of the topics is not only superficial, but fully covered. At the end of each section, in accordance with the subject and goals of the lesson, information is provided on how Kazakhstani students can develop thinking skills by introducing work with projects. In the process of using project-based learning methods, Kazakhstani and world practices were used.
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