133 115
Anahtar Kelimeler:
teacher, teacher's pedagogical activity, educational activity, pedagogical system, skill, organizational skills.Özet
The organization of the process in the pedagogical system depends on its elements and participants. The elements of the pedagogical system are: the educational purpose, the content of training, techniques and methods of training and education, organizational forms, means and results of training, management and pedagogical technologies.
The implementation of educational activities by a teacher participating in the pedagogical system largely depends on pedagogical skills, including organizational ones. In addition, the teacher can organize an effective educational process taking into account the components of the pedagogical system.
In this article the author describes the components of teacher training in the implementation of the pedagogical process, including the types of pedagogical skills. The types of pedagogical activity in research work and their differentiation are considered there. It is indicated that organizational skills differ depending on the purpose of training, the level of pedagogical activity, object and subject. The teacher's pedagogical skills are characterized by the connection of organizational skills with other skills, considered as a managerial matter.
In addition, on the part of researchers, it is proposed that organizational skills consist of: designing (research, constructive actions), technological (or activity: organizational, informational, communicative actions), analytical and evaluative (control) actions.
The system of training future teachers provides information about their organizational skills: substantive and procedural aspects; intensive and extensive ways from the point of view of the pedagogical system.
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