The Use of Visualization Methods in the Process of Teaching Chemistry at the University
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Anahtar Kelimeler:
visualization, chemistry, phenomena, reflection, experiment, activation, questionnaire.Özet
This article shows that visualization is considered the most important direction for improving learning. Visualization of the educational process gives great prospects for development because the student acquires such qualities as logical, imaginative, creative thinking and the ability to work effectively in a team, make quick practical decisions.The purpose of this study is to use visualization in chemistry lessons to enhance the motivation of students, enhance learning activities, demonstrate feedback and dangerous experiments that, due to their complexity or hazardous materials, cannot actually be carried out during classes. To achieve the purpose of the study, a survey method was chosen, and questionnaires with open and closed questions were used. This article analyzes open-type answers. The study was conducted at the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University at the Department of Chemistry in the 2021–2022 academic year. The positive impact of visualization is confirmed during the practical work of students. Students understand phenomena and can makegeneralizations about them, they make value judgments more easily. This indicates that visualization makes it easier for students to evaluate the most important information flows, highlight the main thing and can analyze it, so they successfully perform reflection and generalizations. Thus, the use of visualization provides ample opportunities not only for acquaintance with new educational information, but also for the transfer of theoretical and practical knowledge in an accessible and easily digestible form.
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