Lexical-semantic Grouping of Toponymous Names in Chinese and Kazakh Languages

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  • Koibakova A.S. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

toponymy, toponymic name, geographical object, onomastics, vocabulary, semantics, anthroponym.


Toponymic names, like other field names, are constantly updated and changed according to the process of social development. They are the internal system in the vocabulary of the national language that describes the territory of a certain country, the names of geographical objects. The local people gave names according to the various characteristics and signs of the places where they settled. Names are also given according to the occupation and economic conditions of that country. That is why many toponymic names have a certain meaning. As personal names, toponyms are not units that represent only geographical names, but also units rich in historical and cultural connotations. The semantics of toponyms, in addition to information about a specific object, also shows the relationship of a person to that object or name.This article analyzes the lexical-semantic features and grouping of Kazakh and Chinese toponymic names. Also, the peculiarities of toponymic names in Kazakh and Chinese languages are considered, and it is shown that lexical-semantic grouping plays an important role in revealing the meaning of toponyms. The purpose of the study is to compare toponymic names in Chinese and Kazakh languages and group them according to their lexical-semantic features. As a result, Chinese toponymic names are figurative and metaphorical, while Kazakh toponyms represent real facts, persons, etc. was found to show.The study of Kazakh and Chinese toponymic names not only enriches the theoretical knowledge in this field, but also contributes to the deepening of knowledge about the cultural exchange and development, national values of the two countries, as well as a comprehensive understanding of toponymy.


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