Eleştirel Düşünme Teknolojisi ile Edebi Çalışmaların Öğretilmesi

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  • B.B. Kelgembayeva S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University
  • A.M. Kartaeva S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University
  • Zh.Zh. Azretbergenova IT School-Lyceum named after Zh. Tashenov

Anahtar Kelimeler:

сын тұрғысынан ойлау технологиясы, әдебиет теориясы, эстетика, таным белсенділігі, құзыреттілік, топтық, дербес тапсырмалар.


The article considers the ways of effective use of critical thinking technology in teaching literary disciplines. The authors, referring to the works of the founders of the theory of critical thinking technology, emphasize the special role of this technology in the formation of the cognitive potential of a modern person. Using this technology, the teacher carefully tracks and studies changes in the consciousness of students, based on this, chooses teaching methods in accordance with the requests of students. According to the authors, this technology forms the student as a thoughtful and active participant in educational activities, capable of continuous self-education. Within the framework of the discipline «Theory of Literature and Aesthetics» of the 4th-year curriculum «Kazakh language and Literature», the ways of developing critical thinking among students are shown by the example of duet lectures, interactive practical classes and IWS. Attention is paid to the effective use of knowledge and competencies of graduate students in the history of Kazakhstan, philosophy and cultural studies. Through Group and independent tasks, the methods of analysis of the student's educational activity, the ability to draw conclusions, and lead to the creation of research are outlined. In the summary, the teacher proves that the task of the teacher is to lead the student to a scientific study of a literary problem, bringing to the fore the personal opinion and impressions of his student, his satisfied vision, and to form a scientifically based view of the student on this problem.


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