Teaching Bachelors of Mathematics with Graphical Representation of Functions in the Context of Digitalization of Education

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  • B.T. Kalimbetov M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
  • I.M. Omarova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • D.A. Sapakov M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

digitalization of education, mathematical formula, graphical representation, function graph, KMS Maple.


The article discusses the teaching of mathematics bachelors to functions in the form of a graphical representation in the conditions of digitalization of education. The theoretical significance of the formation and development of graphic culture is shown, the possibility of depicting the necessary information through its graph by constructing a mathematical model of the process defined by a mathematical formula. In addition, methods of application of modern information and communication technologies have been developed. The efficiency of using Maple mathematical packages in teaching university students to display functions in the form of a graphic image in the conditions of digitalization of mathematical education is determined. It is shown that the activity of studying the graph of a function using a computer mathematics system plays an important role in the formation of opportunities for the manifestation of students' creative abilities, the development of knowledge and research abilities, active independent work, work planning. Classes based on the use of digital technologies are characterized by adaptability, manageability, interactivity, a combination of individual and group work, as well as temporary unlimited learning. In addition, digital technologies provide a number of new opportunities for both teachers and students, which allows you to automate most of the academic work, save time, quickly find the necessary information, socialize, improve yourself, freeing up time for individual work with students.


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