Toponyms along the Path of Historical Migration (Based on Materials from the Saryarka Region)
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Anahtar Kelimeler:
historical place names, migration path, ethnotoponyms, genera and tribes, ethnogenetic stability.Özet
In the article, the author examines toponyms along the path of historical migration of Central Kazakhstan (Karaganda and Zhezkazgan regions) on the basis of historical and geographical materials and works of researchers, and concludes that toponyms associated with internal migrations are mainly ethnotonyms. According to some historical information, the main modern inhabitants of Central Kazakhstan were moved to these lands around the beginning of the XVIII century, and at the beginning of the migration was the famous «Kaz Dauysty» Kazybek bi. The migration of the «Middle Zhuz» tribes from the South to the Central and Central-Northern regions through steppe Betpak was carried out due to the rational use of steppe roads of that time. We know three roads of them: 1. Khan zholy; 2. Sarysu zholy; 3. Kendirli zholy. The article discusses the reasons and history of naming toponyms marked on these historical paths. The socio-economic and historical-political factors of the internal migration of the «Middle Zhuz» (argyn, naiman), «Junior Zhuz» (tama, alshyn, zhagalbayly) of such socio-clan groups as the Kozha and the Kyrgyz are analyzed. At the end of the article, the author comes to the conclusion that hydronyms, oronyms, ethnonyms and toponyms of Central Kazakhstan after three centuries remain unchanged in spite of the historical, political and socio-genus changes that have occurred in Kazakhstan – this is proof of stability in ethnogenetic and geographical plans of our people.
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