A New Look at the Colonization of the Siberian Khanate or what the Historical Toponyms Say
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Anahtar Kelimeler:
Siberian Khanate, Russia, Ermak, Kushim, Kazakh land, Cossacks, Ostyak, Vogul, place names, etymology.Özet
The article reveals some aspects of the Russian colonization of the Siberian Khanate, which was formed in the second half of the 15th century in Western Siberia. Historical place names prove that before Yermak's detachment, the Russians did not cross the Ural Mountains, where Siberians and Turkic tribes lived for a long time. At the same time, the author considers the campaign of Yermak's detachment to be aggression and considers its use unworthy of such a force as Russia.
The article notes that Kushim Khan, who fought for the independence of the Siberian Khanate until the end of his life, could not get a proper assessment of history. It was only natural that his army, armed with bows, swords and spears, would not be able to withstand guns and rifles. At the same time, Kushim Khan fought until the end of his life, and then his sons continued and stopped the process of colonization for decades.
The article provides an etymological analysis of the macrotoponyms of the Siberian Khanate. The author also offers his own conclusions, referring to long-standing scientific opinions about the meaning of certain historical toponyms. Since the etymology of toponyms is revealed only in the Ugric or Turkic languages, it is known that this region has long been inhabited by the Ostyaks, Voguls and Turkic peoples. Everyone knows that Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia and the Far East were later colonized by Russia.
This article can be considered a response to the inappropriate, unreasonably expressed opinions of some Russian politicians that “the northern regions of Kazakhstan (not to mention Western Siberia – the author) belonged to Russia, these lands were a “gift” to Kazakhstan”. The outstanding Russian scientist G. Potanin also, on the contrary, claims that “Siberia was a gift to Russia”.
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