Language Expression of Basic Concepts in the Kazakh World Picture
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basic concept, poetic text, figurative frames, thought schemes, loneliness, individuality.Abstract
The purpose of this article is to analyze the reflection of basic concepts in the Kazakh world picture in poetic language. For this purpose, we used artistic texts that gave rise to the zhyrau tradition as language sources. The concept depends, firstly, on the cultural experience, knowledge and skills of humanity as a whole, the individual who speaks this language; secondly, the concept depends on the specific context in which it manifests itself. Some of the possibilities of the concept, its perception through the addressee, may also be limited by the context in a particular situation. Then the mental cognition transmitted by the concept sometimes goes beyond the limits of language. This is where «non-linguistic meaning» in the context Stone is activated. There is also an opinion that writers (poets), suppliers of folklore, owners of private businesses and representatives of religious classes play a key role in the creation of the conceptosphere. The richness of language is measured not only by the size of the «vocabulary», but also by the richness of the conceptual world, the conceptual sphere. Why many words in the Kazakh language are not inclined to create a term, to create a new word. In our opinion, the reason for this is that the field of knowledge, which is locked in the semantics of words, is very wide, heavy and complex, and terms require a certain degree of clarity. The definition of the relationship between the concept and the meaning of a word is also expressed through the features of semantic analysis and conceptual analysis. Because the interpretation of the semantics of an individual word is adjacent to conceptual analysis, but the results of both analyses are different: if the first is intended to create a semantic structure of a word, to clarify the denotative, significative, connotative meanings of a word, conceptual analysis reflects generalized concepts accumulated in a particular language symbol, determines the nature of the symbol in a certain cognitive structure. Semantic analysis serves to explain and define a word, while conceptual analysis focuses on understanding the world. Therefore, in our research, the basic concepts of the zhyrau language are analyzed not only in the semantic field of individual words, but also in the context of cultural texts that represent national knowledge and «educational background».
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