An Analysis Attempt on Beyimbet Maylin's Story “Shuganin belgisi”

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  • E. Zhiyenbayev Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • S. Akylbek Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Kazakh literature of the early twentieth century, prose, socialist approach, reality, text analysis.


The unique writer Beimbet Mailin made a significant contribution to the
development of Kazakh prose in the early twentieth century. Obviously, a socialist-realistic
approach prevails in his stories. The writer, who has been exposed to the difficulties of life since his
childhood, described what he saw and experienced in his works with aesthetic expressions. In
addition to this, it is seen that he takes care of minor issues in society, without going into the depths
of history, expressing the mentality and changes of his age with deep feelings. In his stories, he not
only realistic described the life of the lower and middle classes, but also critically analyzed the
situation in society. In this study, we analyzed B. Mailin’s story “Shuganın belgisi” using a modern
method of text analysis, which is widely used in Turkish literature, and tried to determine the
literary value of the text and the views of the writer. In the course of the analysis of the text, the
political and cultural views of the Kazakh people at the beginning of the twentieth century, the
structure of the text, the concepts of character, time and space were analyzed, and the topic was
determined. Linguistic features and writing style have been clarified.


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