Linguistic Basics of the Formation of Students’ Pragmatic Competence
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language competence, pragmatic competence, critical thinking, students, Kazakh language, sections of linguistics, pragmatics.Abstract
This article discusses the linguistic foundations of the formation of pragmatic competence of students. A review of the history of the formation and study of the term “pragmatic competence” is provided. Similar and related terms with this term are also analyzed, as well as the views and conclusions of domestic and foreign linguists, methodologists, and scholars. To develop a methodology for the formation of pragmatic competence of students, it is crucial to find out its theoretical and methodological foundations; therefore the purpose of this article is to identify the linguistic features of this issue.
It is known that the indicator of the personal quality of schoolchildren is equivalent to the indicator of their socialization. The totality of the knowledge, skills, and abilities formed in a child will have a significant influence on their correct and appropriate socialization within their environment in the future. The existence of a close relationship between linguistic, communicative, and pragmatic competencies requires the use of complex methods in solving their common tasks.
The study found that the concept of competence has been studied from different perspectives. The main characteristics and indicators of pragmatic competence are established, as well as the concepts of their manifestations in the language environment are presented.
The influence of new trends in the field of linguistics on the formation of pragmatic competence is also considered. Several methods that can be used when teaching the Kazakh language are examined. An attempt has been made to find language solutions that contribute to the development of pragmatic competence.
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