Increasing Students' Interest in Physics through Laboratory Experiments
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laboratory work, approximate calculations, confidence interval, measurement errors, laboratory work, physics.Abstract
This work is about how to make the study of physics fascinating for schoolchildren. We will focus on how to use laboratory classes to make the learning process more fun. We want to understand how to get students interested in physics. We think laboratory experiments are a good way. They allow students to experiment and see how scientific ideas work.
This work is devoted to the study and implementation of effective methods to increase students' interest in physics. Special attention in this process is paid to the use of laboratory experiments as the main tool. Laboratory experiments are seen as a powerful attraction tool that allows students to interact directly with scientific concepts and laws. In the course of the work, modern approaches to teaching physics were analyzed, and the advantages of using laboratory experiments in the framework of increasing the interest of students were revealed.
An important aspect of the study is also the identification of potential obstacles and difficulties in the implementation of laboratory experiments in the educational process.
In the curricula of mathematics and physics in elementary school, the question of the consistency of the study of approximate calculations is discussed. As part of the seventh grade of physics, specific methodological recommendations are given for performing laboratory work and solving problems.
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