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motivation, foreign language, teacher, student, methods, develop.Abstract
This article examines how teaching a foreign language through motivation, novelty and a variety of forms and methods of the lesson effectively affects improving students' perception of the materials provided and increasing the level of knowledge of students, and also proves that it enriches, systematizes knowledge and leads to the activation of cognitive activity of students in a foreign language lesson. The definition of modern methods of teaching a foreign language and various forms of teaching is given. And most importantly, it promotes the wide use of the acquired knowledge as the owner of a professional profession, applying them on the basis of practice. In addition, non-traditional technologies of lessons are explained, methods of work useful for the student and effective for the teacher are differentiated. Innovative pedagogical technologies and non-traditional technologies, trainings related to other educational methods that allow effective and interesting use of new information technologies in the classroom, definitions and comments on new teaching methods and techniques are provided. This article discusses the results of the survey conducted among foreign language educators about their attitudes towards the motivation and innovation in foreign language classroom.
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