Digitalization of Language Education in Higher Education Institutions
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Russian as a foreign language, education process, digital technologies, artificial intelligence.Abstract
This article is dedicated to the study of the process of transformation of language education in universities in the context of the rapid development of digital technologies. The work aims to analyze theoretical and practical factors of integrating digital resources into the educational process and their impact on the content of curricula, teaching methods and forms of educational activities. Particular attention is paid to the cognitive and social aspects of perception and assimilation of language material in the digital environment. The article discusses the main models and concepts of digital transformation within the educational settings, provides examples of the use of AI, automated assessment systems, virtual and augmented realities, as well as chatbots in the learning process. One of the key conclusions of the work is the recognition of the need for an integrated approach to digitalization, which includes not only technical equipment, but also the development of digital literacy, adaptation of pedagogical methods and consideration of ethical aspects. The article also highlights the main challenges and risks of digitalization associated with the mental state of students, data security, reliance on technology, and resource accessibility. The conclusion provides suggestions on how to optimize the processes of educating students and preparing educators during the digital transformation of language education. The practical significance of this research lies in its potential use for optimizing the educational process, creating innovative digital teaching materials, and enhancing the qualifications of teachers in the context of the digitalization of education.
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